PZ Cussons wanted to create a T.V commercial for the organic yogurt brand five:am. The advert needed to associate the yogurt with a healthy, joyful, outdoorsy lifestyle. It also had to include their tagline "wake up, be amazing"
After looking at many insights and ideas for execution they decided to develop our route.
A Taste Of Life
five:am knows that joy is the one ingredient needed
to turn everyday into something we look forward to.
To be am:azing is to explore, connect with others and
live life doing what you love.
Storyboard Idea.
What one person deems an amazing, joyful morning, may not do it for the next. The idea being to create a series of vignettes of people engaging in lifestyle activities that show how five:am can help you 'be' different things from nourished to joyful to balanced. Spanning benefits from a colourful lifestyle to great taste. We will explore the use of supers to call out emotion, but to also add pace and energy.
VO line.
"The luscious, nutritious, delicious taste of five:am. Wake up be ama:zing".
Final directors cut.